Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Author: Arbain Rambey & Josie S. Hardianto Source: KOMPAS

Baliem Valley, Papua, is one of the most popular valley in the world. This valley is surrounded by snowing mountain.
If you like tracking, go to Sogokmo, about 15 km of Wamena. From that place, you can tracking the mountain to Holesi, Seinma, and Ninia villages which still genuine with their Honai house (originally house of the ethnic of Papua), before climb on to Jayawijaya mountain range, you’ll cross a wide tundra, then cross Baliem river which have strong flow in rain weather, through hanging bridge.
Other field of nature which you could track is go to Makki sub district, Perime sub district. From that place, you can track down to valleys which full of vegetables field and beautiful villages. And if your physic are first-rate, you can climb to Trikora peak/top pr even Cartenz top.
But if you do not like tracking, Baliem Valley have Kurulu village which become famous becuase its mummy, which 350 years old. Actually, there are two villages of Dani also have mummies, that are Aikima and Pummo. But, the condition of mummy in Kurulu much better, and that place is ready to be a trip place. Kurulu is about 50 km at the north of Wamena.

Wanna have some souvenirs from Baliem Valley?? Commonly, people who get trip or travel to Papua only know koteka for souvenir, but in Baliem Valley, you’ll get better tahn koteka. In Wamena its self, you’ll see souvenir shops which sell kind of stone axs, traditional neckless, tie of ethnic chief, noken bag, also water bag from gourd.

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